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New Orleans, LA  —  Organizer: radioamy

Hit the floor.
June 15, 2009 4:22 PM   RSS feed for this thread Subscribe

If you're a local with a spare room or floor space for out-of-towners, talk it up.
posted by radioamy to New Orleans, LA at 4:22 PM (1 comment total)

ok, here's the deal: i have 4 cats, so if you're allergic, chez msconduct is not for you. also, if you're picky, i can tell you that room service sucks. however, if you're feline-friendly, a bit adventurous, and as frugal as i am, i can offer:
* loveseat & chaise in the living room area for the vertically challenged
* blowup mattress in the guest room which at this point in renovation time is really the junk room , but i'll clean it up
* one block to street car, which is a straight shot to the quarter
* walking distance to the st. patrick cemeteries
* electricity! air conditioning! daily mail delivery to the house! sure, YOU take those things for granted but you weren't here right after katrina!
* easy access to some GREAT restaurants cafe minh, ralph's on the park), some good restaurants (mandina's, juan's flying burrito), doson's noodle house), and some awesome breakfast places (ruby slipper, and the presidential betsy's pancake house. bigger, mo' betta list o'eateries here
* freedom to come & go as you please, full kitchen privileges (and i'll stock some basic breakfast & grab & go kind of stuff), cable, internet, etc.
the catch, if there is one, is that i'm in mid city, and the saturday night meetup is in uptown. not a terrible commute, but not walking distance, either.

the other catch, which is actually a huge bonus, is that i might be out of town that weekend, so there's a slight possibility you'd have the place such as it is all to yourself/selves. i have no problem with that, and would just leave a key with my neighbors.

oh, i'm also within easy walking distance of city park and sort of hiking distance to longue vue gardens.

i am seriously happy to host as many of you who are adventurous enough to essentially crash on the floor and/or makeshift sleeping areas (see: chaise, loveseat above). depending on my location (in or out of town), i'd be happy to show you around or leave you on your own, as you wish.

memail me if interested.
posted by msconduct at 6:53 AM on June 17, 2009

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