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St. Louis, MO  —  Organizer: notsnot

St. Louis Planning Thread
May 6, 2009 1:17 PM   RSS feed for this thread Subscribe

We need to pick a date and time between July 17 and July 19 and a location.

We've done any number of meetups (I forget the count; at least three) at the Black Thorn in the South Grand neighborhood. It's generally central, has good pizza, and beer. Definitely open to further suggestions.
posted by notsnot to St. Louis, MO at 1:17 PM (31 comments total)

Love the Black Thorn. The Royale patio would be nice too.
posted by bkeaggy at 2:19 PM on May 6, 2009

I'll be back in StL for the summer! Good on you, notsnot, heading this up. When Ann Arbor (my current town) went up early on, I was really hoping the Lou would follow suit.

I like the idea of the Royale or something with a similar outdoor option. Was also thinking of a daytime gathering in a park. Does that appeal to anyone else?
posted by PhatLobley at 3:35 PM on May 6, 2009

Y'know, that's not a bad idea at all. Should we consider a compound meetup - lunch at the Royale and then go play frisbee in the park?
posted by notsnot at 5:17 PM on May 6, 2009

I'd be all for transcending, "Hey, let's go to a bar and eat pizza" but I've got no brilliant suggestions.

Given that it's also the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11, I think, "We disturbed the peace for all mankind" would make a fitting theme.
posted by Kid Charlemagne at 5:45 PM on May 6, 2009

Ditto keaggy re: venues.

Re: times, if it's on the 17th I'd prefer evening, since I work all day weekdays. On the 18th or 19th, though, I don't really have a time preference as long as I get to still sleep in.
posted by limeonaire at 8:21 PM on May 6, 2009

Although now that I think about it, I think the order of my preferences might be reversed. I'd almost prefer the Royale for this one, just for a change of pace.
posted by limeonaire at 8:26 PM on May 6, 2009

Lunch at the Royale followed by the park sounds like a sweet plan to me.
posted by PhatLobley at 9:34 PM on May 6, 2009

I like this Royale idea.
posted by Monsters at 7:28 PM on May 7, 2009

The Royale and retire to Tower Grove Park? I'm at work and currently can't access the events calendar, but maybe there's something going on (free concert, etc.). Calendar here.
posted by Emperor SnooKloze at 5:13 AM on May 8, 2009

I wasn't able to open that thing, Emperor, but...if we decide on Saturday, there's a farmer's market/KDHX Benefit/concert in Tower Grove every saturday morning. Dunno if that would get in our way.
posted by notsnot at 6:01 AM on May 8, 2009

I'm very down with doing something in Tower Grove Park, that way I could plop baby slogger into the stroller and head across the street....
posted by slogger at 10:01 AM on May 8, 2009

I vote for Royale/Tower Grove either the 18th starting around lunchtime, or the 19th with something that will carry on into the evening.

I'll probably be playing a show at the Ivory Theater on Michigan Ave. about 15 minutes away Friday/Saturday night and Sunday afternoon, so I'd have to cut out early or come late no matter what, but having things in that area would at least make it possible for me to come too.
posted by Kimothy at 12:37 PM on May 13, 2009

I can't say why on the internet, but we could have the Missouri Botanical Garden to ourselves any time between 5 and 10pm. Just an idea for you lovely people to consider.
posted by thebellafonte at 7:03 AM on May 19, 2009

thebellefonte, that sounds...interesting. However, a bar/food situation may be more conducive to a meetup of strangers. (Also, I don't know how many of us there would be.)
posted by notsnot at 8:55 AM on May 19, 2009

Just realized that a best friend is getting married that weekend. Wish I could be there.
posted by schyler523 at 7:03 PM on May 27, 2009

I think the Tower Grove Farmers' Market + KDHX concerts end by 1 pm or so--making it, presumably, not so crowded after that time on Saturday July 18.
posted by homelystar at 10:11 PM on May 30, 2009

Any of the ideas currently posited sound great. I'd vote for weekend because when I work evenings I work until very late. Mostly ok with any of these ideas. Also, can I be one of the few awkward ones to say, hey, can we get a small sign or something? I'm most likely going to be late given my track record, but hey!

Also, Missouri Botanical Garden? Hmmmmm...
posted by lizarrd at 7:50 AM on May 31, 2009

Notsnot has a MeFi tshirt that I will remind him to wear to the meetup, it's worked as our 'sign' the past couple meetups.
posted by Green Eyed Monster at 6:05 PM on June 5, 2009

Come on STL peeps, get in on the action just say yes!
posted by lizarrd at 9:08 PM on June 18, 2009

I voted once, but I'll vote again.


And if we do decide on Tower Grove Park, I might be able to bring over a keg of homebrew to help enliven the festivities...
posted by slogger at 11:07 AM on June 22, 2009

So, shall we meet at the Royale, get some victuals, then head over to the park for frisbee/cooler of beer/whatever? Let's say, 1:00 at the bar?
posted by notsnot at 7:45 AM on June 24, 2009

I shall second the notion of weekend + (maybe) Royale lunch + Tower Grove Park for all of the above. Also, the MeFi t-shirt is seconded.
posted by lizarrd at 4:08 PM on June 24, 2009

Yes. Saturday at 1:00 at the Royale would be great.
posted by Kimothy at 11:40 AM on June 25, 2009

I'm ready to mark it down on my schedule.
posted by PhatLobley at 2:41 PM on June 25, 2009

Saturday, July 18, at the Royale at 1 p.m., then to Tower Grove Park. Got it.

Can we check the box now to finalize this?
posted by limeonaire at 6:22 PM on June 28, 2009

posted by notsnot at 10:33 AM on June 29, 2009

posted by limeonaire at 6:28 PM on June 29, 2009

I don't think I'll be able to join for the Royale part of the proceedings...would anyone be willing to shoot me a text when things move over to the park, so I know when and where to find y'alls y'all? If so, send me a MeMail and I'll reply with my mobile number.
posted by slogger at 12:14 PM on July 13, 2009

Tower Grove Park is pretty. I just remembered that I'll be out of town when this happens, which is more than a bit of a downer. Ahh, well. Will there be any recorded record of it I could reach?
posted by linzenoonoo at 3:47 PM on July 16, 2009

Hey, is anyone printing out any MetaGrams for tomorrow? If not, I can try to before I leave in the'd be cool to have at least one to scan or photograph for mathowie, rather than writing a list on a receipt like last time.
posted by limeonaire at 8:14 PM on July 17, 2009

My Mefi t-shirt is washed and ready. See you suckers at the Royale!
posted by notsnot at 9:05 PM on July 17, 2009

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