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Home > Tanzania > Zanzibar

Zanzibar, Tanzania  —  Organizer: nudar

Zanzibar Planning Thread
May 8, 2009 5:34 PM   RSS feed for this thread Subscribe

We need to pick a date and time between July 17 and July 19 and a location.

I may be on my first trip to sub-Saharan Africa when Mefi's 10th anniversary rolls around, but dammit that's not going to stop me from getting in on the party!

The better half and I will be on the island of Zanzibar, specifically up the north end in Matemwe, during the specified dates. Willing to relocate to Stonetown for an afternoon if that's better for others. All are welcome.
posted by nudar to Zanzibar, Tanzania at 5:34 PM (3 comments total)

Zanzibar...sigh. I was there in the fall. Have a good meet-up.
posted by typewriter at 6:02 PM on May 12, 2009

As meet up organiser I am stepping in and making an executive decision on where and when this shindig is going to occur, as clearly none of you can be trusted to reach consensus.

Therefore, I decree that the Zanzibar meet up for Metafilter's 10th anniversary will happen at the Matemwe Beach Village (ph +255(0)242 238 374), Friday July 17th 2009, 4pm onwards. Poolside.
posted by nudar at 11:01 PM on June 23, 2009

A better link to the venue.

I am unfortunately unable to find the street address for the place but if you are actually thinking of making it along, memail me and I'll get you some directions from the owner, plus my number while I'm in Africa. I'd say all the taxis in Matemwe would know the place.
posted by nudar at 2:33 AM on June 24, 2009

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