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Boston, MA  —  Organizer: explosion

Plus 1! (or 2 or 3...)
May 12, 2009 9:17 AM   RSS feed for this thread Subscribe

Post here if you're bringing someone along!

In the interest of keeping a semi-accurate head count, it'd be swell if we could compile the Plus-ones in a thread of its own. So if you're bringing along a friend/spouse/SO/whatever who does not have their own MetaFilter account, post here. Since Metafilter doesn't have editing or deletion of posts, if you're unsure, take your time, we don't need a final head-count for a while.

Again, this thread is just for tallying the "extras" that the normal attendance tool doesn't capture.
posted by explosion to Boston, MA at 9:17 AM (2 comments total)

We just added a "guests" feature to the attending count on location pages. So you can hop out to the Boston, MA page and choose up to two guests and those numbers will be reflected in the counts.
posted by pb at 2:34 PM on May 12, 2009

Awesome. I guess this post can be closed or whatever.
posted by explosion at 9:13 AM on May 13, 2009

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