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Budapest, Hungary  —  Organizer: zaelic

Budapest Planning Thread
May 19, 2009 10:44 AM   RSS feed for this thread Subscribe

We need to pick a date and time between July 17 and July 19 and a location.

Here's hoping we can manage at least one meet-up in Eastern Europe!
posted by Ljubljana to Budapest, Hungary at 10:44 AM (15 comments total)

Well, I would love to help out - I live in Pest, and being pretty Pestcentric you should simply put everything in Buda out of your minds. My schedule - as a freelancer and musician who jumps a mile for any paying gig - makes a commitment difficult even now, but I would definitely try and bloc the calender for this. I can help look into accommodations for those who need them, make local calls, and find a venue. What are you looking for? Quiet pub? How many expected to attend? Any Mefites from Romania? Bine ati venit la Budapesta!
posted by zaelic at 1:41 PM on May 21, 2009

How about we pick a meeting place in the western suburb of Budapest also known as Vienna, Austria?

Just kidding (sorta). I've been to BPest a few times, but don't know my way around well enough to pick a place for the meeting.

17th in the evening, 18th anytime or 19th in the afternoon would be best for me.
posted by syzygy at 4:12 AM on May 25, 2009

OK was considering Berlin but Budapest wins (living in Prague I can get a direct train). Been to Budapest a few times- a quite cool bar is Bar Ladino (full disclosure a non mefite mate of mine runs the place). Just a thought- if we choose a different place more than happy.

Will contact a couple of Mefites that may be up for travelling also to drum up interest.
posted by Gratishades at 1:53 AM on May 28, 2009

I'll be driving up on the freshly paved highway that now connects Budapest with the Adriatic. I can pick up anyone if they're on the way. (I know Dee will be somewhere in Hungary in mid-July but don't know where)

I'd prefer the 17th or 18th, since I'll probably spend the night there. I would love some suggestions for accommodations from zaelic - but there's still time for that. We should first pick a place and a date. I'm open to anything. Bar Ladino would be fine. My only suggestion would be a place that isn't so loud that we spend the evening sitting in silence.
posted by Ljubljana at 12:35 AM on May 29, 2009

Bar Ladino isn't too loud (or at least wasn't the one time I was there) OK tunes but not blaring. Not married to the idea though and if zaelic has got suggestions as to venue hen more than up for bowing to the local knowledge. Accomodation recommendations are also welcome from zaelic for me.
posted by Gratishades at 1:27 AM on May 29, 2009

I've been delinquent in my response, but BP is very convenient for me, although my schedule makes it hard to commit. I will be in Pécs in July, but I've no problem getting on a train if I'm free. I have no preferences for the date myself.
posted by Dee Xtrovert at 11:15 PM on May 29, 2009

Bar Ladino is good - Pedro is a buddy of mine, too - but may be too popular at night to get the DJ to quiet down. Other options are the Siraly, the Csiga, perhaps the Jelen, and if the group is less than ten, the Sixtus. During summer weekends most indoor bars are relatively empty when the outdoor bars get going.

And of course, in the summer there are the outdoor garden bars - Kertem in the City park is good, but inconvenient late at night (unless you live near it like me.) Better for later as a second venue...

For overnight stays, the best bets are to rent private apartments in the 50 EU range for a whole apartment, or try the zimmer frei route. Most hostels tend to go around 25 EU a night anyway, so if there is more than one person apartments are the way to go. There are several agencies who rent out, as well as some friends of mine. It will be high tourist season, so consider booking ahead. I can check into whether there will be cheaper places like student dorms opened as hostels in the summer, or suggest hotels for those who like to splurge.
posted by zaelic at 3:59 PM on May 30, 2009

I'd be up for the apartment idea if folk are up for sharing. If not then semi-decent hotel recommendation appreciated, zaelic. 18th ideal for me, if we opt for the 17th I'll try to get out of work at a decent time so I'm not too late arriving from Prague.

As zaelic seems to be the native may I vote that he chooses the bar?

Looking forward to it already.
posted by Gratishades at 6:37 AM on June 1, 2009

Hi, I'm in Warsaw and hesitating between the Berlin, Budapest or Helsinki meet-up. Anyway, this was just a head's up that I may join :)
posted by ruelle at 2:17 AM on July 4, 2009

Admin reminder: this meetup is going to be removed from the site tomorrow because the deadline for confirming the date, time, and location has passed. Please contact us with the details if you'd like to move this meetup from planning to scheduled.
posted by pb at 9:55 PM on July 8, 2009

I just heard that Ljubljana can't make it, but I live here in Bpest, and I'm not on tour at this time of the year (which is not a good thing) so I suggested that a night at the Csiga Kavezo (Rakozci ter, near Blaha Lujza in central Pest) might suit us. Anybody up for it? I'm happy to help with logistics, translations, etc. Anybody need accomodation? I can call around. I'm totally new to this meetup biz, but I would love to have night meeting some of you. Mefi-mail me - I will actually check the darn thing hourly.
posted by zaelic at 10:09 AM on July 9, 2009

Aha! We are back in the game. If interested, me-mail me. The Csiga Kavezo (Cafe) is open, ready and waiting, easy to get to, and I'll be there anyway.
posted by zaelic at 5:55 PM on July 10, 2009

Well, it looks like Taksi Putra may also show up... and I'll be there... Dee Extrovert??? So if you are wondering, you go one stop beyond Blaha Lujza ter on the 4 or 6 tram (or walk 5 minutes) to Rakoczi ter, where there is a huge construction site for the upcoming new metro. Behind the mess is the Rakoczi ter covered market. Walk down Vasar utca one block from the tram stop boulevard, to the corner of Vasar and Bacso Bela utca. Voila, the Csiga (The Snail) Cafe. Food available. Staff speaks English. I'll be there, possibly already drunk. Mefi-mail me for my phone #. Majd talakozunk a nyockerben!
posted by zaelic at 5:20 PM on July 15, 2009

Hey folks, afraid I'm going to have to pull out of this (just back from holiday and have domestic stuff to attend to this weekend in Prague). Have a great one and egyshegedra (or however one writes it).
posted by Gratishades at 4:01 AM on July 16, 2009

Just a heads up. Best to arrive earlier at the Csiga - 7 pm - 8 pm. I just spoke to them and they won't be as uncrowded as expected. We have a table reserved located near the bar area. We can start the evening, and if things get loud, we can move to either the Jelen or a garden bar later, but most likely things will be OK at the Csiga. If there is any need for an out-migration, ask Judit the bartender for my cell phone number. See ya'll there.
posted by zaelic at 2:29 PM on July 17, 2009

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