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Buenos Aires, Argentina  —  Organizer: conifer

Buenos Aires Planning Thread
May 23, 2009 3:03 PM   RSS feed for this thread Subscribe

We need to pick a date and time between July 17 and July 19 and a location.

I've got the location, Sugar Bar at Costa Rica 4619 in Palermo. It's my bar, so it will be free and I can throw around some free drinks. How about July 17th at 8pm?
posted by conifer to Buenos Aires, Argentina at 3:03 PM (7 comments total)

Well, since I'm going to be the only one there, let's set it at Sugar, July 17th at 8pm!
posted by conifer at 3:45 AM on May 26, 2009

The local map shows the wrong address. It is in Palermo on Costa Rica between Gurruchaga and Armenia.
posted by conifer at 3:47 AM on May 26, 2009

[fixed up the map, so the address should be correct now.]
posted by pb at 8:00 AM on May 26, 2009

I'm planning to fly out from Santiago, Chile, with my lovely wife.
Trying to get both sets of grandparents to chip in with babysitting our dauphin.
posted by signal at 7:14 PM on June 7, 2009

Oh, and we might get there a little later, depending on when our flight gets in.
posted by signal at 7:28 PM on June 7, 2009

I'll be there until about 6am!
posted by conifer at 10:43 AM on June 8, 2009

So, July 17, 8 pm. I'll try my best to show up.
posted by micayetoca at 6:37 AM on July 5, 2009

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