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Chicago, IL  —  Organizer: eamondaly

July 17, 2009 3:09 PM   RSS feed for this thread Subscribe

Just kidding: I think we're in pretty good shape. That said, here are the final odds and ends, plus the last chance to ask questions, make suggestions, or just plain whine.

First: chairs. I was going to borrow some from the neighbors but a lot of them are going to party tomorrow, so if you've got lawn chairs, bring 'em. Feel free to leave them overnight and pick them up Sunday or later if you want.

Second: it looks like the RLFPP is a bust, so I'm calling it off. I'm keeping the Talent Show in case anyone wants to show his or her stuff, though, and I've got tons of stuff for sock puppets.

Third: I still don't have a movie lined up, so unless I hear otherwise I'm flipping a coin between Legally Blonde and Kielslowski's Blue/White/Red trilogy. Or PS2 Guitar Hero.

Fourth: seriously, don't drive. Do Not Be That Guy, and don't make me make you be That Guy. Our place is easily reached by Red Line, the #22, the #50, the #36, and the Metra North Line. No excuses!

Last: we're rocking rain or shine! I've got a couple of pop-up tents and a big ol' tarp, so scattered showers or not, it's on. Can't wait to see everybody!
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL at 3:09 PM (33 comments total)

Oh! We've mentioned it in passing, but just confirm: we'll be karaoke-ing our little hearts out at 11pm over at Cafe Bong. Be warned: it smells like pee.
posted by eamondaly at 3:36 PM on July 17, 2009

I'd really like it to not be a movie, because then we have to be all quiet so those who want to watch can watch. Of course, I'd vote for the Cubs game, but I know I'd be a group of one in favor of that.
posted by sachinag at 4:25 PM on July 17, 2009

I don't know about the movie either; If there is one, it should be something that is there in the background and is visually interesting. And as much as I love Kielslowski, I don't know if it'd be the right choice; I say this because it's a 10 year meet up, and it'd be fun to, ya know, talk to everyone--whereas we can watch Dekalog or the trilogy any old time in the comfort of our house; I suggest--perhaps--The Cremaster cycle. But, hey, that's me.
posted by tiaka at 4:32 PM on July 17, 2009

I still have a copy of Holy Mountain on DVD which I haven't returned to Facets yet, and which has inspired a meetup in itself. If anyone is interested.
posted by carrienation at 5:06 PM on July 17, 2009

I signed up for non-alcoholic beverages. If you have any ideas on what you'd like, let me know. If there's any other food items, etc., I can bring those as well. I'll bring some lawn chairs too. I am driving as well so feel free to designate me as "That Guy." I'll park somewhere discrete and walk.
posted by KevinSkomsvold at 5:27 PM on July 17, 2009

or this;
posted by tiaka at 5:27 PM on July 17, 2009

Ok, I'm bringing Labyrinth and The Princess Bride. IMO, they are perfect movies for this sort of thing - ok if there are kiddos still around, fun, and everyone's seen them a million times so we won't need to be all HUSH.

I'm bummed the RLFPP has been scratched. I'm still in the process of making favorite and flag stickers, so we can use them for the talent show and sock puppets instead. Somehow. (What the hell else am I going to do with 2000 3/4 inch circle stickers?)
posted by misskaz at 5:33 PM on July 17, 2009

Dude, Ghosbusters.
posted by adamdschneider at 8:50 PM on July 17, 2009

I vote for the principle of a kid friendly movie, I am going to be bringing four of them (kids, not movies).
posted by cgk at 9:02 PM on July 17, 2009

Guys this looks like fun. I haven't been participating and I don't really know anybody though and I'm kind of shy.. I hope I can work up the nerve to make it.
posted by amethysts at 9:08 PM on July 17, 2009

FYI, it's a long block, so there's really no worries about movies or games interfering with conversation. Plenty of room for everybody. And I was kidding about the Kielslowski thing.

By the way, my driving admonishment should in no way discourage those who will not be drinking: there should be plenty of parking on the North-South streets of Greenview and Glenwood, or on the East-West streets of Elmdale or Hood.
posted by eamondaly at 9:34 PM on July 17, 2009

adamdschneider: Ghostbusters has a blowjob in it. Also, as we discovered this evening, Footloose has several boy butts in it. And swearing. PG was a pretty wide open gate back in the early 80's.
posted by eamondaly at 9:35 PM on July 17, 2009

amethysts: you should totally come. If it makes you feel better, there will be plenty of places to hide, and you can always use your sockpuppet's name instead.
posted by eamondaly at 9:50 PM on July 17, 2009

Oh! Again, if anyone's got an Eye-Fi card, bring that. The webcam thread went bust and I do have an AP with good coverage.
posted by eamondaly at 9:58 PM on July 17, 2009


Don't have an Eye-Fi (sadly) but I'll try to take a lot of pictures and put them on the 10th Flickr stream.
posted by Askiba at 7:07 AM on July 18, 2009

I am sorely annoyed, because I can't make it now. I had an unexpected surgery yesterday morning (nothing serious, an infected groin lymph node) but I have been ordered to stay home and be a lame ass for the weekend.

Part of me wants to still come anyways. It's like 5 blocks from my apartment!

posted by Windigo at 7:17 AM on July 18, 2009

Amethysts: go! Tell everyone you're me; it will work out fine. Meanwhile, I'm in Wisconsin, enjoying animatronic raccoons and rustic wallpaper.
posted by crush-onastick at 7:49 AM on July 18, 2009

Aww. Sorry you can't make it, Windigo! We'll try to whoop it up loud enough for you to hear. And I've got your veggie platter covered, so no worries. Heal quickly!
posted by eamondaly at 8:09 AM on July 18, 2009

I may miss out on the BBQ (people visiting from out of town for Pitchfork), but I will make it to the Bong. Eamon, can you send out a text on the Cafe Bong Ho Alert Network to make sure everyone is still going over there?
posted by rabbitsnake at 8:43 AM on July 18, 2009

Looking forward to meeting you all. The beer is prepared! I shall see you shortly.
posted by lholladay at 9:19 AM on July 18, 2009

Well, i still may come. A nurse called me to check up on me and I reported am feeling 98% perfectly fine. I asked if I could go to a BBQ, and she said, well, as long as you sit down and don't walk too much. So there's no reason I can't come and plant myself in a chair.

I have strawberries, angel food cake, and whipped cream! I HAVE to come!
posted by Windigo at 9:40 AM on July 18, 2009

rabbitsnake: The hotline has moved here: https://twitter.com/cafebong. Follow "cafebong", add your cellphone, and turn "Device updates ON" to get or send notices to @cafebong. At least some of us are guaranteed to be there after 11pm: I promised Ginny I'd swing by.
posted by eamondaly at 10:00 AM on July 18, 2009

Jeez, how could I have forgotten about the blowjob?

Anybody want a peanut?
posted by adamdschneider at 10:11 AM on July 18, 2009

Mrs Agogo is making hummus now - we'll be there around five (c'mon Chicago traffic - work with me here) with plates, utensils, hummus, and pita chips. Really looking forward to seeing everyone.
posted by Slack-a-gogo at 11:43 AM on July 18, 2009

Guys and gals, if I make it at all, it'll be late - I've ran into a snag today with a work-related project and covering for a coworker. :-(

Maybe I can be there around 7pm-ish?

posted by wfrgms at 11:55 AM on July 18, 2009

Potato salad and me will be arriving at 6:30ish
posted by readery at 3:28 PM on July 18, 2009

Is there a webcam setup, as was being planned? Had really wanted to attend but of course something had to come up at the last minute....
posted by sk381 at 3:44 PM on July 18, 2009

Sorry I'm late, but I'm on my way! With portobellos!
posted by hydrophonic at 4:44 PM on July 18, 2009

As I was putting a very crabby (like, wanting to leave her on a street corner crabby) toddler to bed, I remembered it was Saturday. And there is the 10th Meetup. And I totally wanted to go.

Now I'm sad. I'll make it one of these times. Drink 4 or 5 for me, folks. I'll wear my tl;dr t-shirt to bed and think fondly of you all.
posted by jeanmari at 6:27 PM on July 18, 2009

I had a great time tonight! Thanks to eamondaly and ms kaz for making sure that it all went off without a hitch.

Here are a few twitpics of the event.

Huzzah for 10 more years!!
posted by zerobyproxy at 8:10 PM on July 18, 2009

yeah, eamondaly should get a Metafilter Medal of Honor for his hosting... or a star next to his name, or something. dude was cleaning up the entire time I was there (except when he snuck off to check the Blue). Thanks, beard-man!
posted by jtron at 9:40 PM on July 18, 2009

Misskaz and Eamondaly: Holy crap, you did such a great job, I can begin to describe how proud I was that Chicago pulled it off. The flag, the food, the folks, everything came together beyong my wildest expectations. My wife and daughter had a blast as well. Here are some pics. Feel free, ya'll, to tag them or add your name.
posted by KevinSkomsvold at 9:51 PM on July 18, 2009

Absolutely fantastic meetup, with kudos to the prep work and leg work by eamondaly and miss kaz. Sorry I could not stay for the movie -- you all probably got to bed before I got home, though!
posted by dhartung at 11:42 PM on July 18, 2009

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