Friday Night Pub Night - Duke of York, Marylebone
* Friday Night Pub Night*
Optamystic has booked
The Duke of York in Marylebone (
Gmap) starting time TBD, but likely sometime around 7pm (?) or perhaps earlier for those not at work.
Capacity is 35-40.
Are you coming to this one? Chime in!
Might I also suggest that this one of the events, given that it's in a private space with (apparently) internet-type facilities, would be a good one for attempting some sort of extra Awesomeness - if anybody's got any clever suggestions. We probably can't stretch to a video wall with live satellite link-ups to every other MeFi party around the world, but, you know, something like that. Only not wildly impractical.
posted by flashboy at 10:28 AM on May 12, 2009