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Toronto, ON  —  Organizer: gman

June 28, 2009 10:41 AM   RSS feed for this thread Subscribe

Firming things up.

Some time later this week, I have to go chat with Kristy (owner) to give her numbers, choice of appetizers, etc. It'd be wicked if as many 'maybes' as possible could figure out if they can attend.

As well, The Card Cheat and I have been discussing a couple things - music + after party. We were thinking that people could create a playlist or two on their iPods. As for the post-bar situation, I offered up my house in the other thread. I'd like to gauge interest in this idea, so I can grab some booze + beer. I'll also speak to Kristy about stashing any liquor those of you wanna bring for after. Cheers!
posted by gman to Toronto, ON at 10:41 AM (133 comments total)

Gman, thanks so much for taking the bull by the horns with this! It sounds like it will be awesome. I guess just keep us posted on what you need, I'm happy to help out in any way.
posted by SassHat at 7:37 PM on June 28, 2009

I love the idea of people taking turns with playlists, but I think we should organize some sort of arrangement beforehand to avoid maybe the first X people to volunteer get, say, half an hour at a specific time (i.e. 10:00-10:30)?
posted by The Card Cheat at 8:27 AM on June 29, 2009

I'm kind of curious about the alcohol situation at the actual meetup - are we basically occupying the troubadour for a private party where we bring our own booze, or will we be ordering drinks from the staff?
posted by tehloki at 6:52 PM on June 29, 2009

...and I'm kind of curious how you think they'd remain a viable business if they closed up for a party on a Saturday night, offered free appetizers, etc. and didn't charge for drinks? YES, you will be ordering drinks from the staff (and even paying for them).

*bring some of that dope to the meetup, tehloki.
posted by gman at 4:42 AM on June 30, 2009

Playlist no, afterparty, sure.
posted by If only I had a penguin... at 12:07 PM on June 30, 2009

Playlist no... afterparty yes but I'll bring my own booze :)
posted by cranberrymonger at 12:17 PM on June 30, 2009

Looking at my photos from the last meetup, it looks like the last photo I posted was at 2:10AM. I won't lie, I don't really remember being at the bar that long, but it's clear we could probably have kept partying. So I am all good with an after party.

I could bring a half hour mix of music I would force you guys to listen to. What's not to love about that situation.

It might actually make more sense for people to give one person their music, and that person would make the mother of all playlists. This way there isn't any starting of stopping of music as people swap iPods in and out.
posted by chunking express at 12:20 PM on June 30, 2009

Playlist: no; Afterparty: I'd love to but we have to hit the road early in the morning so probably not.

I could bring a half hour mix of music I would force you guys to listen to. What's not to love about that situation.
Heh, exactly. There's nothing more fun than people going, "Shh. Listen to this awesome song on my awesome playlist" when you are at a bar trying to talk to someone.
posted by chococat at 12:49 PM on June 30, 2009

I don't have an ipod for bringing a playlist on (yea, I'm some sort of caveman throwback luddite) but an afterparty sounds good to me. And thanks gman for organizing.
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 1:14 PM on June 30, 2009

Playlist, eh, you're probably rather I didn't. Afterparty, realistically also, eh, as I'm likely to get tired early. I could say I'd afterparty now, but I have to be coherent the next day.
posted by jacquilynne at 1:26 PM on June 30, 2009

Playlist yes, will either be rowdy drinking songs (Pogues, maybe harder ends of Jethro Tull (yes I like to drink to JT shut up ok)) or THUMPO THUMPO OONST OONST OONST music.

Also afterparty fuck yes.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 1:45 PM on June 30, 2009

I could bring my iPhone with a playlist. Any suggestions for genre / number of songs?

I won't be able to stay past midnight (last go bus) unless your after-party invite includes a place to crash overnight.
posted by Popular Ethics at 2:12 PM on June 30, 2009

Playlist: Probably not.

Afterparty attendance would depend on compatibility with the GO train schedule and/or the overflowing generosity of nice people with comfy floors.
posted by Sys Rq at 2:36 PM on June 30, 2009

Let's say we got back to my place at 2:30 or 3. What time does the GO reopen?
posted by gman at 2:57 PM on June 30, 2009

Playlist: no.

After party: sadly not. (I used to be able to stay up that late, but not any more).
posted by FishBike at 3:31 PM on June 30, 2009

No to both most likely.
posted by typewriter at 3:46 PM on June 30, 2009

no playlist (i don't have an iPod) and a maybe-but-leaning-towards-no for the after party.

gman, thanks a lot for organizing!
posted by gursky at 4:20 PM on June 30, 2009

no playlist (i don't have an iPod)

Thank god. I thought I was the last person on earth without an MP3 player.
posted by FishBike at 4:55 PM on June 30, 2009

Playlist - only if I can bring it on my Shuffle (probs not, hey?)
Afterparty - Heck yes.
posted by SassHat at 5:40 PM on June 30, 2009

Playlist no, afterparty yes, for my husband (Dreadnought) and myself.
posted by jb at 5:52 PM on June 30, 2009

First Sunday Go Bus = 7:30. That would be a party record!
posted by Popular Ethics at 7:23 PM on June 30, 2009

gman, great job on getting this whole thing organized its much appreciated.

Playlist: no
Afterparty: I'm tempted to say yes but it depends on how I feel.
posted by Sargas at 8:36 PM on June 30, 2009

First Sunday Go Bus = 7:30. That would be a party record!

In the Old Fogies Who Can't Party universe, maybe.

Ah shit, I'm one of those these days. Must pace self.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 8:59 PM on June 30, 2009

Playlist probably not, my taste in music tends to be derided by the MeFi populace. After party sounds pretty swell, since I'd planned to hunker down in a 24 hour cyber cafe over night and catch the first Greyhound out anyway.
posted by Phire at 9:40 PM on June 30, 2009

Attendance: I won't be able to confirm until this weekend, sorry.
Playlist: Nah.
Afterparty: Sure, but I will need someone to keep me company until the GO starts up again in the morning (Or at least help me locate a nice wifi spot/24 hr cyber cafe).
posted by shoebox at 1:09 AM on July 1, 2009

Playlist: Nah.
Afterparty: Woooo!
posted by Schlimmbesserung at 2:35 AM on July 1, 2009

Cool. I was thinking we could hang out in my yard after the bar, but perhaps at that hour it may piss my neighbours off. Inside, I can comfortably have perhaps 15 or so people? When I go see Kristy (early next week), I'll ask about stashing some booze for us... I have NO idea as to the legality. Failing that, I could go grab for us prior to the meet-up.

As for music - yeah, perhaps constantly switching up iPods may get annoying. I have a loaded iPod (albeit mostly techno, house, hip hop, and 80s cheese) and The Card Cheat has a tonne of music as well. Perhaps post the genres of music you enjoy here? and we can reload?

I'll update details early next week. Right on!
posted by gman at 6:23 AM on July 1, 2009

First Sunday Go Bus = 7:30. That would be a party record!
posted by Popular Ethics at 10:23 PM on June 30 [!]

My personal record would be a New Year's Eve party that started about 6 or 7pm on Dec 31, and ended about the same time on Jan. 2. But it was small, low-key, did involve people coming and going (one guest stayed the whole time), some sleeping, and trading off of eating and socializing with hours of computer gaming. But it was a continuous party, in that we all felt in party mode.
posted by jb at 10:23 AM on July 1, 2009

Amateur. Longest nonstop party for me was a Friday night until Monday morning. No sleeping! We were there to party.

Longest partying with a couple minor breaks would have been... Tuesday to Sunday, god that was a fucked up week.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 11:57 AM on July 1, 2009

shoebox: "Attendance: I won't be able to confirm until this weekend, sorry.
Playlist: Nah.
Afterparty: Sure, but I will need someone to keep me company until the GO starts up again in the morning (Or at least help me locate a nice wifi spot/24 hr cyber cafe).

I've got a shortlist ready, shoebox, but I'd be happy to keep you company.
posted by Phire at 1:12 PM on July 1, 2009

Ipod, nah, you'd just be annoyed. Afterparty, nah, I gotta get back to swinging Hamilton, and that means taking the GO bus.
posted by the dief at 4:02 PM on July 1, 2009

Playlist no, afterparty no/maybe. Still psyched.
posted by anthill at 4:59 PM on July 1, 2009

the dief: no idea if this will come off as creepy, but i'm headed back to Hamilton as well and wouldn't mind giving you a lift if it makes things easier (i.e. not worrying about train/bus schedules and train/bus fare).
posted by gursky at 6:51 PM on July 1, 2009

FishBike: it's a weird position to occupy, isn't it? i don't have a tv, and my cell phone is only for emergencies (so when people ask for my cell phone number, i tell them i don't have one). some 22-year-old...
posted by gursky at 6:53 PM on July 1, 2009

Playlist: yes (more THUMPO THUMPO OONCE OONCE music, mostly)

Afterparty: interested but I have to discuss with odiv
posted by tehloki at 11:18 PM on July 1, 2009

I'm totally rofling over the fact that somebody said "I don't have a TV" in a meetup planning thread.
posted by tehloki at 11:19 PM on July 1, 2009

Well I don't see the point of owning a car in Toronto.
posted by anthill at 11:39 AM on July 2, 2009

i don't understand the hilarity..?
posted by gursky at 11:44 AM on July 2, 2009

The usual context is in a thread on the blue about pop culture, or in a facetious tone in a metatalk argument about said thread. It's just funny to me to see it put in such an earnest, benign way when it's usually used to punctuate a frothing argument or make fun of somebody.
posted by tehloki at 5:57 PM on July 2, 2009

oh. i thought i obliviously posted something related to an in-joke or something.

continue with the rofls!
posted by gursky at 6:12 PM on July 2, 2009

okay so I am hovering at about 70% “will come” to this thing, but personally I would really like to do some Facebook pre-event spying on people. Am I alone here? In order to facilitate this I'm wondering if gman wants to create an fb event, post the URL here, and if you are okay with letting your real-life friends know you are going to an internet party and you want to do some mutual spying, you could voluntarily join it?
posted by skwt at 9:29 AM on July 3, 2009

... okay with letting your real-life friends know ...

My what?
posted by FishBike at 9:30 AM on July 3, 2009

This pretty much sums up how I feel about Facebook. I have no account, but to be honest, I'm not even sure what you're trying to do? I am interested in finding out though...
posted by gman at 10:24 AM on July 3, 2009

but personally I would really like to do some Facebook pre-event spying on people. Am I alone here?

I'm pretty certain I'm attending the non-creepy-stalkery-only-showing-up-if-people-are-cute-enough event. You go have fun at yours, if that's what floats your boat.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 10:35 AM on July 3, 2009

DNAB, the idea wasn't to be creepy or stalkery, and especially in a thread about a meetup, which maybe isn't nervous-making for you but definitely is for me and I assume at least some others, can we limit the ad hominemism and try to assume good faith?

My rationale was just that personally if I can get a feeling for who will be at a particular event ahead of time, I feel more comfortable right off the bat when I show up. Especially if I don't know a single person going into it. Browsing people's Facebook profiles would allow me/whoever else was interested to at least recognise a few faces right from the start. There might also be things like “hey, we have 2 mutual friends, how do you know them?” that otherwise might not (almost certainly would not) come up. It might change what for at least me would be just a wall of unknown faces into something into which it might be a little easier to navigate.

Like, I thought this was Metafilter, friend of the nervous and socially anxious? I'm just trying to suggest something that might make things easier. Facebook is sort of a halfway house between the internet and the real world. I'm trying to use it like one.
posted by skwt at 11:04 AM on July 3, 2009

My use of the word “spying” was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek.
posted by skwt at 11:06 AM on July 3, 2009

You know, this is a Metafilter meetup, and here on Metafilter, we have, like, profiles, and histories, and all that jazz. If you want to get to know people, why not click on their profiles on from the event page? You can see their photos if they've included one, which many have, read their posts and answers to gauge their interests and otherwise spy to your hearts content.
posted by jacquilynne at 11:08 AM on July 3, 2009

... which maybe isn't nervous-making for you but definitely is for me and I assume at least some others ...

Without admitting to my own personal instinctive reaction of "OMG, meeting strangers, scary!", let me just say instead that you assume correctly.
posted by FishBike at 12:15 PM on July 3, 2009

K, sorry, but it seemed to be in the same vein as the 'can we automagically add which meetups people are attending to their profiles' thing in MetaTalk recently.

Otherwise, what jacquilynne said. 'Mutual friends' on Facebook are largely meaningless.. look at how many people have 400+ friends.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 2:21 PM on July 3, 2009

Like, I thought this was Metafilter, friend of the nervous and socially anxious? I'm just trying to suggest something that might make things easier. Facebook is sort of a halfway house between the internet and the real world. I'm trying to use it like one.

To be honest, that's why I'm even considering going to this silly thing full of people I don't know anything about except that they like the occasional snark...

I actually like the idea of facebook stalking to see what people look like (mostly because I grew up on internet), but there already exists dedicated web space to discuss meetup related stuff, so putting details on facebox seems like an unnecessary hassle.

You know, this is a Metafilter meetup, and here on Metafilter, we have, like, profiles, and histories, and all that jazz.

Yes. This. There is also a feature to link to your FB profile or any other internet junk. If you suspect I may be sketchy, feel free to add/msg or whatever and I'll be sure to remove all doubt.
posted by shoebox at 5:56 PM on July 3, 2009

Back after a week in cottage land. Yes to a playlist, although I'm not fussed if there's a lineup, and probable yes to the afterparty.
posted by The Card Cheat at 8:23 PM on July 5, 2009

Would love to contribute to the playlist (but that's cool if available musical space is already accounted for)! My ipod is currently stocked with assorted soul, funk, olde schoole hip hop and other groovy tidbits. Sadly no on the afterparty. *sigh* I remember the good old pre-spawn days when I regularly partied until my bleary eyed stumble home was in broad daylight and involved me bumping into perky morning joggers....
posted by Go Banana at 8:27 AM on July 6, 2009

skwt: I understand you're feeling nervous about this event since you don't know anyone. I attended the last MeFi meetup with some trepidation but was pleasantly surprised at how friendly and inviting everyone was. You could actually just walk up to anyone and introduce yourself and they will ask thoughtful questions, make jokes, etc. Having said that, you can MeMail me if you want to have a 'designated buddy' :)
posted by cranberrymonger at 12:01 PM on July 6, 2009

PS. I don't have Facebook :( but we could MeMail :)
posted by cranberrymonger at 12:02 PM on July 6, 2009

Just got back from The Troubadour. All good. Oh, except one thing - they may or may not be able to accept credit cards - the machine was down. Having said that, there is an ATM downstairs if need be. She's gonna let me know if they come and fix the machine before the 18th. I'll let you know as soon as I do. what else... I think that's about it. I'm pretty psyched. I think there's only New York, New Orleans, and Portland who currently have more attendees than us. oh yeah... as I mentioned, a bunch of people (15 or so) can head back to my place after the bar - if you think this is you, Kristy offered to stash your booze knapsacks until closing. Right on!
posted by gman at 4:52 PM on July 6, 2009

Should we be RSVP-ing for the afterparty now?
posted by Phire at 4:53 PM on July 6, 2009

Consider me having R'd, SVP.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 5:14 PM on July 6, 2009

I'm coming to the afterparty.

Also, shoebox, your Facebook link on your profile page doesn't go anywhere. Is it possible that you're set to ultra-private or something?
posted by ODiV at 6:50 PM on July 6, 2009

Also, shoebox, your Facebook link on your profile page doesn't go anywhere. Is it possible that you're set to ultra-private or something?

Huh, so it was. Well now that should be fixed.

Yeah, I was a real shut-in back in high school...
posted by shoebox at 11:03 PM on July 6, 2009

I am short and skinny and Tamil. Now you know everything there is to know about me.

I also didn't know anyone at the last meetup. Lots of the people at the meet up didn't know anyone else.
posted by chunking express at 7:19 AM on July 7, 2009

Just wondering what sort of time we ought to be showing up at the venue? I'm sure people are going to come and go at all kinds of different times, but I'm trying to get an idea if I should be aiming more towards 4:00pm or 8:00pm or what.
posted by FishBike at 3:55 PM on July 7, 2009

The main page says 8:00. Come any time after that. As for post-bar festivities, I'm pretty sure enough people will have dropped out by 2am that RSVPing isn't necessary. I could be wrong... I often am.
posted by gman at 4:56 PM on July 7, 2009

The main page says...

Why didn't I think of that? D'oh!
posted by FishBike at 5:43 PM on July 7, 2009

gman, is there parking nearby? or am i better off parking at islington (free parking on weekends) and taking the subway down?
posted by gursky at 8:26 PM on July 7, 2009

I informally RSVP for the afterparty on behalf of me and odiv.
posted by tehloki at 1:26 AM on July 8, 2009

I'll also bring my.. other cigarettes, in case anyone else is into that sort of thing
posted by tehloki at 1:29 AM on July 8, 2009

I just watched an episode of Degrassi where Melanie and Kathleen smoke, and Melanie tells everyone that Kathleen has a drunk for a mom and was anorexic and her boyfriend beat her because she was so loopy. Don't do it tehloki! Just say no!
posted by chunking express at 4:47 AM on July 8, 2009

Oh yeah, +1 for my afterparty RSVP. Like gman said I doubt it'll be an issue, but eh.
posted by Phire at 6:34 AM on July 8, 2009

gman, is there parking nearby? or am i better off parking at islington (free parking on weekends) and taking the subway down?

Tonnes of free street parking right outside the bar. Can you believe that it's still free on Dundas after 6 pm??!? (at least during the week, no idea about weekends) The city must not know about it.
posted by gman at 7:31 AM on July 8, 2009

We'll be punting on the playlist and afterparty, but are definitely on for being present at the Troubador. Thanks for doing the cat herding, gman. Organizing this much fun for this many people is never an easy job.
posted by ardgedee at 8:43 AM on July 8, 2009

Surely he's doing it for the drinks we'll be handing him all night?
posted by ODiV at 9:55 AM on July 8, 2009

ODiV - say something remotely witty on either Metafilter or MetaTalk so I can apply the favourite I can't give you here, over there. ;-)

*actually, to be honest, I happily volunteered to match Matt's drink donation.
posted by gman at 12:09 PM on July 8, 2009

gman, is your place within walking distance?
posted by Phire at 1:37 PM on July 8, 2009

Depends how fast you stagger. It's like a 5-6 minute cab ride. Split the fare 4 ways and it'll cost nothing.
posted by gman at 6:15 PM on July 8, 2009

I am really looking forward to this. Only 10 more sleeps!
posted by sevenyearlurk at 8:08 PM on July 8, 2009

I'm in for the main event.
Will have to bring the smogbelcher.
Will probably come down early for preparty and/or shopping.
Thanks for the parking info & organising this.
posted by seanmpuckett at 5:11 AM on July 9, 2009

thanks for the parking info! that works out nicely.
posted by gursky at 10:43 AM on July 9, 2009

Keep being awesome, Toronto.
posted by chunking express at 11:30 AM on July 9, 2009

I don’t know what the deal is, but I posted a comment here like two weeks ago saying I thought it was a splendid idea to take over an entire bar. And at least it’s not in the fucking Annex.

I’ll be there.
posted by joeclark at 8:14 PM on July 9, 2009

Make sure there’s something vegan, and I mean vegan all the way.
posted by joeclark at 8:15 PM on July 9, 2009

I've never known 'awesome' to mean 'delusional' or 'demanding'.
posted by gman at 4:14 AM on July 10, 2009

I think if you wanted to sell people on the East end, you needed to do more than post one comment suggesting a busy bar that wouldn't be able to fit us all. You need to bring your a-game. Or at the very least, raise an objection between gman's waiting for joeclark to freak comment and when we settled on the place.
posted by chunking express at 4:52 AM on July 10, 2009

I'll buy you a beer if that will make the Junction more appealing.
posted by chunking express at 6:00 AM on July 10, 2009

Junction isn't west end - just be glad I didn't suggest Rexdale or Long Branch. Now THOSE are west end.

/Etobicoke machismo - if you haven't ridden to the very end of TTC service, you haven't been in the boonies.
posted by jb at 9:05 AM on July 10, 2009

Dude, we now have more attendees than Portland, OR. We're more important than cortex!!
posted by Phire at 12:28 PM on July 10, 2009

AND mathowie.
posted by Phire at 12:29 PM on July 10, 2009

(Only 4 attendees needed to tie with the epic NOLA one featuring jessamyn and ColdChef.)

I'll stop being so competitive.
posted by Phire at 12:32 PM on July 10, 2009

To be fair, the Toronto one is probably the easiest for everyone to get to, on average. I mean it is the center of the universe, right?
posted by FishBike at 12:44 PM on July 10, 2009

Oh hells yes.

Suck it, Portland!
posted by chunking express at 12:46 PM on July 10, 2009

I mean it is the center of the universe, right?

Yeah, that's probably an accurate enough description of how much it sucks.

I keed.
posted by Sys Rq at 1:56 PM on July 10, 2009

Because the bar can only hold sixty, 905ers are gonna be the first to get turned away at the door. ;-)
posted by gman at 2:57 PM on July 10, 2009

I just watched an episode of Degrassi where Melanie and Kathleen smoke, and Melanie tells everyone that Kathleen has a drunk for a mom and was anorexic and her boyfriend beat her because she was so loopy. Don't do it tehloki! Just say no!

Best. Episode. Ever.

(Where can I get one of those awesome Cleartech acne cream t-shirts?)
posted by Sys Rq at 3:13 PM on July 10, 2009

OK. I haven't been active on MeFi for thousands of years. However, I would like to celebrate the 10 year anniversary action (that's awesome as all get out!). Can I come? I won't know anyone, but I promise not to stare and/or steeple my fingers in the corner while cackling uncontrollably.
posted by D at 9:24 PM on July 10, 2009

If that's the case, no of course you cannot come.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 11:36 PM on July 10, 2009

Reposting from the teeshirt thread: Canadian attendees of the Toronto meetup who want the new MeFi teeshirts can have their shirts shipped to me. I'll deliver them to you next Saturday night at the Troubador.

This will probably be faster than shipping through USPS->Canada Post.

Memail me for my address. I will need your real name and address too, so I can put your shirts in the post if we fail to make a hookup.
posted by ardgedee at 5:14 AM on July 11, 2009

I should note: Put your orders in early. I'm leaving home on Thursday morning, so shirts that arrive after Wednesday won't be traveling with me.
posted by ardgedee at 5:18 AM on July 11, 2009

gman I hope you weren't serious about that only being able to hold 60 thing because it looks like that might be a problem
posted by tehloki at 8:57 PM on July 12, 2009

I was not.
posted by gman at 3:54 AM on July 13, 2009

My grandmother wants me in Scarborough early the next day, so I think i'll have to bail on the after party.

posted by chunking express at 4:57 AM on July 13, 2009

65 rsvps probably won't result in 65 people in one place the whole time.
posted by typewriter at 5:51 AM on July 13, 2009

Status update: on par with NOLA, fuck yeah.

Ardgedee: You kind of rock.

Chunking express: If the afterparty goes on late/early enough a whole bunch of us could set out for a Starbucks/Second Cup/Timmy's and grab a crapload of coffee and you'd still get out to Scarborough on time. All the cool kids are pulling all nighters these days.

Gman: Do we want to get in on the whole webcam thing? (I could bring an EEE, if yes and there is internet at the place...)
posted by Phire at 6:44 AM on July 13, 2009

typewriter: 65 rsvps probably won't result in 65 people in one place the whole time.

Don't'cha know anyone in attendance must stay from 8 til closing? Doors will be locked.

chunking express: My grandmother wants me in Scarborough early the next day, so I think i'll have to bail on the after party.

Just say no. You bringing your camera, by the way?

Phire: Do we want to get in on the whole webcam thing? (I could bring an EEE, if yes and there is internet at the place...)

I really don't think they have internet. If other people really want this to happen, I can ask Kristy.
posted by gman at 7:29 AM on July 13, 2009

Yep i'll bring my camera. (I just need to get it back from my friend before the weekend.) I can even bring my annoying ass flash. My other plan was to bring my film camera. Though, that might mean I take a bunch of grainy blurry B&W photos I never develop.
posted by chunking express at 8:19 AM on July 13, 2009

I can tether my iPhones net connection to a laptop, but I think it has to be a mac one. I'm not sure we really need a web cam. It sounds kind of dangerous.
posted by chunking express at 8:20 AM on July 13, 2009

I'm not sure we really need a web cam. It sounds kind of dangerous.

Seconded. The phrase "annoying ass-flash" comes to mind.
posted by Sys Rq at 10:04 AM on July 13, 2009

I'm gonna check on Friday to see what the weather's gonna be like and if we're in for showers, I'll attempt to get a big tent up on the patio.
posted by gman at 3:19 PM on July 15, 2009

Just confirmed my hotel. See you Saturday.
posted by kuujjuarapik at 4:16 PM on July 15, 2009

There's a patio? Yay!
posted by maudlin at 5:02 PM on July 15, 2009

Excited! I'll be there! I'm way too old for an afterparty, much as I'd like to. Granny over here needs to be in bed in the wee hours of the morning. I'm sure someone on the list won't arrive until after I've left, if that helps the 60/65 problem.
posted by Hildegarde at 7:34 AM on July 16, 2009

Right...can someone re/post some nice directions to this place from Union so those of us with no sense of direction or common sense don't get completely and totally lost? Gman, I may have to text you if I end up in a dark alley with no exits.
posted by Hildegarde at 7:49 AM on July 16, 2009

You take the subway from Union to St. George Station. You take the Bloor line West from there to Keele Station. You take the Keele bus to Dundas St. West. And then you can walk from there.

There might be a bus that travels along Dundas St. West as well, that leaves from a different station. Maybe someone else will chime in with another idea.
posted by chunking express at 7:54 AM on July 16, 2009

Get off at Dundas West Station and briefly take the 40. If anyone needs my number for any reason, just drop me an email and I'll send it to you.
posted by gman at 8:18 AM on July 16, 2009

Yeah, gman's route is better. Unless you like walking. Then mine WINS!
posted by chunking express at 8:26 AM on July 16, 2009

What's the deal with that Bloor GO Station? Is it as stupid and useless as it looks on the map?
posted by Sys Rq at 9:38 AM on July 16, 2009

(Not that I'm expecting to take that route; the Georgetown train doesn't even operate on Saturday!)
posted by Sys Rq at 9:39 AM on July 16, 2009

What's the deal with that Bloor GO Station? Is it as stupid and useless as it looks on the map?

Pretty much, for the purposes of this meet-up anyway. Rush hour service only, and only in the peak direction as far as I know.
posted by FishBike at 10:39 AM on July 16, 2009

That line exists so people North West of the city can get downtown for work. And that's about it. I think they are actually planning of running trains more frequently in the future. I hear them go by in the morning, and if i'm home early enough in the evening.
posted by chunking express at 11:02 AM on July 16, 2009

***AS I MENTIONED UP-THREAD, THE CREDIT CARD MACHINE IS FUCKED. THERE IS HOWEVER AN ATM IN THE BAR IF NEED BE. As well, it's looking like it may actually NOT rain. If it does, there are a bunch of large umbrellas on the patio. See y'all Saturday!
posted by gman at 1:16 PM on July 16, 2009

I may not make it, alas. Finances.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 1:13 AM on July 17, 2009

If the bar's going to be cash-only, should we pass a hat to collect for the tab? I'd be glad to chip in a little extra if it helps a few people who're short on funds.

See y'all tomorrow night.
posted by ardgedee at 5:40 AM on July 17, 2009

Ditto ardgedee. Everyone needs a hug drink.
posted by Phire at 5:56 AM on July 17, 2009

I'll match mathowie's contribution and give it to those who need it.
posted by gman at 6:21 AM on July 17, 2009

I may not make it, alas. Finances.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 4:13 AM on July 17 [!]

Oh hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no. Finances schminances. I don't care if we need to drink in the side alley with a flask of rotgut, you are coming. Right? Right?

Also, I am happy to throw some cash towards the overall tab.
posted by SassHat at 7:35 AM on July 17, 2009

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation here, but running a tab for the night sounds like a recipe for disaster (I still have nightmares about a 30+ person bar party at university we had on one tab...let's just say settling the tab lasted almost as long as the party).

However, I remember you from the only other meetup I've been to, dirtynumbangelboy, and I for one would be more than happy to buy you a drink or two.
posted by The Card Cheat at 8:43 AM on July 17, 2009

I heartily second Card Cheat. Cash bar all the way!
posted by Go Banana at 9:17 AM on July 17, 2009

Definitely a cash bar. Matt's money will probably go to those who show earliest - as I can't think of another way to divvy it up. My contribution will go toward anyone who's short on dough. Although, after what I've been through today, I'm a hell of a lot poorer. Just got back from checking the love of my life into the hospital - hasn't drank in 48 hours. argh.
posted by gman at 9:43 AM on July 17, 2009

Definitely a cash bar.

Good god, yes. Thank you.

The complexity of sorting out a bar tab or other shared bill rises with the square of the number of people involved. If it takes 1 minute to sort this out for 1 person, and all 65 people show up, it's going to take 70.416 hours to settle the tab.
posted by FishBike at 10:13 AM on July 17, 2009

I'm happy to pitch in as well.
posted by kuujjuarapik at 12:21 PM on July 17, 2009

(and I hope the best for your dog)
posted by kuujjuarapik at 12:35 PM on July 17, 2009

gman posted an afterparty update, for those who only read recent activity. LIKE ME.
posted by chunking express at 7:26 AM on July 18, 2009

I'm going to be driving to this thing from east of the city. If anybody on the Lakeshore East GO line is now panicking about making that 00:13 GO train (in the possible absence of the after party), I can give you a ride back to your stop or your house. I probably won't be staying past about midnight myself, but at least you won't have to leave a couple of hours into the fun just to make the last train.

Send me some MeFi mail if you want to do that, so I can make sure I find you when I'm heading out. I'll be wearing a dark green T-shirt and black jeans, and I'm about 6'3" and 260 lbs, so probably not all that hard to spot in the crowd. I have room for 3-4 people in my car.
posted by FishBike at 10:46 AM on July 18, 2009

CURSES AND TARNATION - my plans to make it back to Toronto for the epic bash tonight have fallen through. I was so very looking forward to my first meet-up.

gman, I hope everything goes well for your poor pup this weekend. Everyone else - see you at the next TorranaFilter?
posted by Hellgirl at 11:15 AM on July 18, 2009

Thanks, gman, for setting this up. It was great!
posted by FishBike at 10:28 PM on July 18, 2009

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