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London, England  —  Organizer: Optamystic

Sunday 19th July - London Recovery Brunch and Picnic
May 12, 2009 4:21 AM   RSS feed for this thread Subscribe

Recovery and gambolling in the sunshine, the Mefi way.

For those who may have imbibed a little too much the night before, I suggest a recovery brunch at a London greasy spoon, somewhere central, maybe around 11am?

Later in the day, we have planned a picnic (with backup family-friendly pub needing to be identified). Current proposed location is Primrose Hill (Wiki, Flickr, website). Approximate time, sometime between 2 and 4?
posted by Happy Dave to London, England at 4:21 AM (29 comments total)

Primrose Hill is lovely, but is a long way from the park by Embankment Tube where my gig that afternoon is, so I won't be able to make it.
posted by motty at 6:44 AM on May 13, 2009

Ah, Motty, I apologise, I completely missed that option - consider it added to this summary.

If there's music by a MeFi member, I vote for heading for Embankment.

Oh! and those interested could then take the river boat to Greenwich for pints!
posted by Happy Dave at 6:49 AM on May 13, 2009

No worries, Happy Dave.

It's an annual event (I've played there every year for the last six years), and we usually all end up on one of the floating pubs just up the river nearby. Not sure how family-friendly they are though.
posted by motty at 7:03 AM on May 13, 2009

Another vote for Embankment.
posted by Optamystic at 8:35 AM on May 13, 2009

I'm definitely in favour of the Embankment option. Will be bringing the mini-Mustards and MrsMustard, so it sounds perfect. I'm sure there must be a family friendly pub round there in case of emergency.
posted by MrMustard at 9:34 AM on May 13, 2009

Another vote for Embankment.
posted by honest knave at 11:06 AM on May 13, 2009

The Quorum of Twelve has spoken, Embankment it is.

If anyone wants to get a-googlin' for pub + family friendly in that neck of the woods, that'd be triffic.
posted by Happy Dave at 7:14 AM on May 14, 2009

Rather than family-friendly pubs (though there are a few) the best plan if wet might be to head to the South Bank Centre where there is the Film Cafe, the Archduke and various other places.
posted by athenian at 12:05 AM on May 19, 2009

(I'm copying this here, from the other thread)

I doubt Victoria Embankment Park has wifi, but if anyone in your party could scrape up a video chat internet connection, your proposed Sunday brunch would coincide nicely with the previous evening's festivities stateside. We could offer you a live video toast from the east and west coast's events, which should be in full swing.
posted by StickyCarpet at 1:54 AM on May 19, 2009

That idea pushes my nerd endorphin buttons.
posted by Happy Dave at 2:44 AM on May 19, 2009

You know, I keep forgetting that London is not in China. I'm sure you leisurely brunchers will be able have pruductive video chats with the stateside groups, but actual breakfasters might find the events in fuller swing.
posted by StickyCarpet at 3:25 PM on May 19, 2009

Excellent call, athenian.
posted by Optamystic at 7:46 AM on May 20, 2009

The weather forecast is not looking too clever. Did we ever come up with a wet weather plan? Or are we just going to be optamystic? (See what I did there?)
posted by MrMustard at 12:26 AM on July 18, 2009

I'm coming tomorrow - do we have any grand schemes for meeting up and recognising waifs and strays like me who didn't make it to other event?
posted by Augenblick at 11:45 AM on July 18, 2009

Yay! I'll be there +1. Should we convene at motty's gig or beforehand? What time are you playing and what's your band called, motty?
posted by goo at 12:27 PM on July 18, 2009

I'll try to be there, but don't know when I'll be able to make it, as I have to write my page for the paper first. Shall I just get the numbers of a few of you and give you a call to find out where you are? I've got a couple of numbers already...
posted by flashboy at 3:12 PM on July 18, 2009

I'll be there if I can stop dithering about what to wear to an English picnic, I mean the only thing that sounds weirder is an Irish picnic. (shudder!)
posted by Wilder at 1:56 AM on July 19, 2009

I think the wet weather plan is to go to the Southbank. Let's say the bar at the BFI. As for waifs and strays, At least a few of the people tagged in this photo should be there. I'm the gent in the front and left.
posted by Optamystic at 3:23 AM on July 19, 2009

Ah. Motty's band is called Fit and the Conniptions. He'll be playing at 1:30. See y'all there.
posted by Optamystic at 3:27 AM on July 19, 2009

If anyone gets lost, my phone number is 07887991900
posted by Optamystic at 3:47 AM on July 19, 2009

Ack - unfortunately I won't be able to make it. Have a great afternoon and happy tenth, metafilter!
posted by goo at 4:08 AM on July 19, 2009

I'm also stranded at home. Sorry - enjoy!
posted by athenian at 4:42 AM on July 19, 2009

good, if small, meet-up! (I've had smaller!) great to meet freya lamb finally and Augenblick mit Jacob!
posted by Wilder at 2:06 PM on July 19, 2009

Thank you for coming to see me play to those that made it and sorry I wasn't able to join you all later on at the bar. Hope a great time was had by one and all.
posted by motty at 4:49 PM on July 19, 2009

I'm home, finally! Cheers all for lovely meet, props to Motty for Monkey Magic, and to Optamystic for superhostellry. Wilder: glad you got back ok, I remain agog at your fabulous tipsy German, and lovely to meet Augenblick and Jakob too. Hope Sparx made it to Waterloo with chilly knees, and Cillit negotiated the bus back fine. Yay Mefi!
posted by freya_lamb at 6:02 PM on July 19, 2009

Sorry didn't make it, I was in bits from drinking too much cider the day before at the Lambeth County Fair (partly to deal with the hangover from Friday's meet). Looks like it was a good 'un though.
posted by Happy Dave at 3:14 AM on July 20, 2009

wait, what, I spoke German??? Whut? did that happen after I finished my litre of cuba libre perchance?

Big Ups to Optamystic for being mein host & organiser par excellence! Many, many thanks.
posted by Wilder at 5:57 AM on July 20, 2009

Great fun - good to meet you all!
posted by Augenblick at 9:43 AM on July 20, 2009

Also posted in the Friday thread (not sure of etiquette in that regard). Some more photos including rare ones from the Sunday expedition of the South Bank-Finsbury Park Elite Beer Quaffing and Owl Fancying Squad (a rum bunch).
posted by Sparx at 5:02 AM on July 22, 2009

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