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Melbourne Planning Thread

We need to pick a date and time between July 17 and July 19 and a location. [more inside]
posted by goshling to Melbourne, Australia on May 7 at 11:15 PM - 73 comments

SYDNEY NSW Planning Thread

We need to pick a date and time between July 17 and July 19 and a location. I'll send out the group email soon.
posted by tellurian to Sydney, Australia on May 5 at 10:21 PM - 91 comments

BRISBANE QLD Planning Thread

We need to pick a date and time between July 17 and July 19 and a location. My thoughts are that somewhere in the city, easily accessible by public transport would be a good goal. 17 July is Friday night, so that also sounds like a plan to me. [more inside]
posted by dg to Brisbane, Australia on May 5 at 8:49 PM - 111 comments