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Chicago, IL  —  Organizer: eamondaly

July 18 at 5:00 PM, Block Party at Norwood and Clark!, 1511 W Norwood St (map)
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And... scene.

Thanks so much to everyone for coming out, to all you for bringing food and liquor and drinking like fish and above all celebrating what it is to be a ChiMeFite! Hooray, everyone! [more inside]
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL on Jul 19 at 12:26 AM - 24 comments


Just kidding: I think we're in pretty good shape. That said, here are the final odds and ends, plus the last chance to ask questions, make suggestions, or just plain whine. [more inside]
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL on Jul 17 at 3:09 PM - 33 comments

Real Life Front Page Post

You'll have a microphone, a video screen, and 120 seconds to show us... well, whatever. Chicago, the Goat, Cabals, anniversaries, famous Matts: enlighten us. Favorites, flags, comments, and a PRIZE will be awarded for best RLFPP! [more inside]
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL on Jul 13 at 2:00 PM - 8 comments

Sock Puppet Pageant

Finally, sockpuppets you can be proud of! We will have a sockpuppet decorating station with buttons, glue, glitter, and such. Bring your own sock and anything else you want to add to make your sockpuppet special!
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL on Jul 13 at 11:24 AM - 4 comments

Talent Show Sign-up

Got a hilarious/weird/jaw-dropping/stupid talent? Sign up in the comments! Favorites and flags and a SPECIAL PRIZE will be awarded! [more inside]
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL on Jul 13 at 11:20 AM - 4 comments


Okay, so most of the food and drink is covered. Let's talk wacky fun time! [more inside]
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL on Jul 1 at 9:13 PM - 22 comments

Food and Drink

Okay, folks! So it's a block party on July 18th. I've sent the paperwork in to the city, so the next question is: who wants to bring what?
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL on May 19 at 10:08 PM - 68 comments


Now that we've settled on Saturday, where should we rock the party? We'll take suggestions until Wednesday.
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL on May 15 at 8:05 AM - 35 comments


Woo hoo! We've got a quorum. Let's set a date! [more inside]
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL on May 10 at 9:22 AM - 22 comments

Chicago Planning Thread

The Chicago MeFanniversary Party is a GO! Your Chicago Cabal Approved* scapegoats will be eamondaly and misskaz. Hooray! [more inside]
posted by eamondaly to Chicago, IL on May 7 at 9:09 AM - 39 comments